

Being alone…
Being by your SELF
Being present in the quiet corners of your thoughts
Being WITH you when theres no one else physically around
Just being…in its simplest form 
Being happy with yourself
In your aloneness

Whether this is intended or just by accident
You are alone
Alone and in your world
For a moment in control of the energy around you, created by you, embraced by YOU

But, have you ever felt loneliness …
Alone with a thousand people beside you
Next to you
Touching you
Talking to you
But not connecting with you
Or you not connecting with them
Having so many there
But not really there for you…
There with you…
But not acknowledging you in their space
Your shared space
Just there…where you are
you are craving some attention

That space, my sister-friends, can be the loneliest place of them all
To feel alone in a room full of souls
Not sure if their noticing you…noticing them
Not sure if they will hear when you try to speak
Not sure if they will notice if you decide to leave
Not sure that their aware that
You are alone


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